Our feedings

Please note that feeding times may be postponed or cancelled due to operational reasons!

The following animals are fed daily in summer (only at weekends in winter):

in the morning

11.00 am Penguins

11.30 am Seals

12.00 pm Coatis

in the afternoon

3.00 pm Seals

3.30 pm bison

3.45 pm Maned wolves (on the rock)

Information on polar bear feeding can be found at the ticket office or on the enclosure board.

All other feedings take place at flexible times. Please speak to our animal keepers at any time when you see them.



In general, you are NOT allowed to feed your own food to our animals! Please do not pick any plants in the grounds to feed them to our animals. Different plants can be TOXIC for different animals. Animals can also have allergies to certain foods. This is very individual and you cannot know this, but you are still harming the animal by feeding it the wrong food!

We are of course happy to receive your food donations, which you can hand in to our checkout staff. Your food donation will then be fed to our animals by our animal keepers in the appropriate quantities.

We hope you will understand that only our animal keepers can estimate how much food our animals need per day. Too much food can make our animals SICK or even lead to DEATH.

If you would still like to have direct contact with our animals, we offer you the opportunity to feed selected animal species with the food available at the zoo ticket office.

These animals are

  • Goats
  • Sheeps
  • Fallow deers
  • Japanese sika deers

Please feed ONLY these animals and only with the food available at the cash desk. The animals will stay healthy and thank you for it.

Our events

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